I put myself through college. One semester I didn’t buy a meal plan to save money. I became a decent dorm room cook with the help of a few not quite dorm approved small kitchen appliances.
Sandwiches were (and are) my lunch mainstay. On those occasions when I bought a carton of eggs for a recipe, I had to come up with something that used the rest of the carton quickly else it would spoil in my tiny dorm room refrigerator. Hello egg salad!
Here is a great egg salad recipe you can make in a dorm room with nothing more than electric teakettle. Of course, if you have a real live kitchen don’t let that stop you from making this recipe too.
Chivey Egg Salad Recipe
You will need:
6 eggs
2 Tablespoons of mayonnaise (approximately 2 condiment packets worth)
A squeeze of lemon juice (approximately 1 condiment packet worth)
¼ cup of chives (fresh or dried)
Salt and pepper to taste
Make it:
1. Hard boil the eggs using one of these two methods.
- Boil the egg in clear water for 15 minutes in a pot on the stove.
- Put the eggs in water in an electric tea kettle
. Turn it on the tea kettle and let the water boil. Then turn off the tea kettle (mine has an electric shut off when it gets to a rolling boil) and let the eggs sit in the hot water for 15 minutes. (I learned this trick curtsey of Alton Brown.)
Truthfully, I have a full-blown kitchen and I usually make eggs in my
electric teakettle 
because it is easier. I’m a lazy chef remember?
2. Peel and chop the hard boiled eggs.
3. Combine the chopped eggs, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and chive in a bowl. Mix thoroughly.
Tip: If you like houseplants (or dorm room plants) consider growing perennial herbs like chive. Chive is easy to grow, hard to kill, and adds a nice little zip to your food year round!
4. Add salt and pepper to the egg salad to taste.
5. Spread it on your favorite bread and chow down!
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