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How to Make Vodka Watermelon - Everything You Need to Know Guide!

I wanted to make a vodka watermelon. Some people call it infuse a watermelon. Some people charge a watermelon. Whatever you it call it, it is the same thing. A 21 years and older watermelon filled with booze with a 50-50 chance of either coming out perfect or not infusing at all. I’m not trying to scare you out of a spiked vodka watermelon recipe. I’m letting you know up front, if your vodka watermelon didn’t work, keep reading this post to learn how to fix a drunken watermelon that won't absorb vodka on the first go round. How to Soak a Drunken Watermelon With Vodka   Pin this recipe for your next party!

Asparagus and Tomato Stir Fry Saute Recipe

I did something a naughty.

I made a meal with food that Husband does not like.

Husband had to work late and was not going to be home for dinner. It’s the perfect time to make the asparagus he bought because he knows I like it.

Asparagus and Tomato Stir Fry Recipe
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I eyed balled the amounts. I was even naughtier because I used frozen asparagus. It was less expensive than fresh and will last longer since I had to find a time when I was cooking for myself.

I sautéed in olive oil:

Summer squash (frozen fresh from last summer)

Fresh tomatoes

Fresh Basil (from my patio herb garden.) Dried basil works too)

Minced garlic

Whole wheat egg noodles  

Disclosure: I am including affiliate links for your convenience

I sautéed the vegetables until the squash was cooked thought. I served it over egg noodles because I didn't have whole wheat egg noodles because egg noodles cook up in a snap.  

A nice little meal that didn’t take a lot of time to make or heat up the kitchen too much. It’s perfect for summer!

Looking for more quick, healthy, and cheap recipe ideas? Check out the following - and more! – below!


Beloved Green said…
Simple and good. A fantastic combination for a meal.
Anonymous said…
I have to admit, when I read "I don’t even know if egg noodles come in a whole wheat version. Do they?", I pretty much had to stop myself from face-palming.

Then I did a little digging, and realized that wheat flour does go into egg noodles. For some reason, I guess I just had this idea that egg noodles were...flour free.

Anyway, you can probably find some whole wheat egg noodles. Or you could just make them. Making noodles is easy and fun, and you can just substitute AP flour for whole wheat flour.

I have a food blog, too, for easy recipes even a poor, clueless college student could make. Definitely, I can see myself pulling some inspiration from here. You have a lot to look at. I'd love it if you'd like to take a look at my blog: http://www.onepotonepan.wordpress.com
HI Valicat - We eat noodles a lot. I really should learn how to make them. I will definitely visit your blog!
Air Purifiers said…
Oh, yum! What a great summer dish. I am saving this one. Thank you for sharing!
Yum, this looks and sounds good!
Erika said…
I am a huge fan of asparagus. When it is in season the kids and I eat it like they are chips!

I hope you can share a post at the new It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising.
Thanks for linking up to this week's Tuesday Confessional. You've been featured, so stop by and grab a brag button! http://www.craftyconfessions.com/2011/09/tuesday-confessional-features.html
I love the concept of your blog and am happy to be a new follower! This sautee sounds yummy. Thank you so much for linking up at Savvy HomeMade Monday and I hope you will come back and party again!
Maria said…
This looks super yummy. My hubby is picky so I may have to make this when he is out sometime. Good idea.
Jennifer said…
Yum! I love asparagus!! Adding this to a night I eat by myself!!
Thanks for linking up to Southern Lovely's Show & Share! Hope to see you again!
Carole said…
Hi there. Food on Friday: Tomatoes is open for entries. This looks like a neat one! I do hope you link it in. This is the link . Cheers