Husband and I picked a big bowl full of wild black berries on the in-laws farm. We brought our sweet treasures home and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I wanted to turn them into blackberry freezer jam.

Mother in law taught me how to make freezer jam when I was just a girlfriend. It’s easy to do and I don’t have to worry about
my fear of canning because you pop the jelly into the freezer instead of a water bath when you are done. Easy!
I already had a bunch of new jelly jars, rings, and lids left behind from an old roommate so the expense was minimal. I had plenty of sugar on hand too.
I decided to make my freezer jam without pectin. I’d like to go on about how I don’t want extra additives in my food (which I actually try to avoid as much as possible) but the reality was that I spent an hour in Kroger looking for pectin and they didn’t have any. I since
Chef Druck made jam without pectin and Food in Jars has an amazing
blackberry jam recipe I figured I’d combine the two and give it a go.
I got four and a half jars of jelly from one bowl of blackberries. It is a little sweet for my taste, but as first efforts go, Husband declared it a win!
Have you ever made jam? Then check out the following below!
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