I had a severe allergic reaction to a medication as a child. The topic of getting me a medical alert ID bracelet often came up and went. I didn’t wear one and didn’t think much about it until I recently saw a display of children's food allergy awareness bracelets while grocery shopping.
At first I frowned because
of course no one would make food allergy bracelets for adults since everyone thinks food allergies are a “new” children’s issue. (News flash. Food allergies aren’t new or worse or just for kids. Our science and awareness has gotten better at detecting food allergies before someone dies from them.)
Fortunately I have a 6 inch wrist and the kid’s milk allergy bracelet fit me on the last snap. I bought it since my milk allergy is more of an issue in my day to day than my medication allergy.
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Now hanging out with Mr. Moo the Milk Allergy Mascot on my wrist is no big deal to me because sometimes I want a big screaming sign that says I’M ALLERGIC TO MILK!” when I’m at a potluck dinner and the like. Other times, like work meetings, dressier occasions, performances, or days where I don’t feel like being a billboard I’d like a medical bracelet that is more sublet and fashionable. More importantly I need an emergency ID bracelet with the medicine allergy on it too just in case I need it to speak for me if the unthinkable happens and I cannot.
I guess I’ve waiting this long to look for an allergy ID bracelet because in my mind most look like the
stainless steel medical bracelet shown below. Practical, necessary, but not very stylish.
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I want a medical awareness bracelet that looks a little more like the jewelry I normally wear. I’m cautious about wearing a medical bracelet without a caduceus (the snake and staff medical symbol) like the
Inspired Silver Diabetic Awareness Charm Bracelet. Medical professionals are trained to look for medic alert jewelry and in my opinion, the life saving Diabetes medical information gets lost in the design.

To be fair the product description calls it an Diabetes awareness bracelet not a Diabetes medical ID bracelet. However there are people who said they wear it for medical purposes in their Amazon reviews.
Fashionable Medical and Allergy ID Bracelets for Women and Girls
I figured it was time to get a proper allergy ID bracelet and was surprised at the options I found. Happily emergency ID bracelets have come a long way in style and function than the generic medical ID bracelets found in drug stores. Finally cute and stylish medical emergency bracelets I
want to wear, since it is something I
have to wear. I though I’d share the love just in case you are looking for a medical ID bracelet for men, women, or children that is functional with a little bit of fun thrown in too.
- Bling Jewelry Women's Steel Red Enamel Medical Alert Red Enamel ID Tag Bracelet – comes in gold and silver. It has your choice of medical information engraved on the front or back of the Enamel ID tag and fits up to a 7 inch wrist. I’m seriously considering this bracelet because it is low profile enough for me to pair with another bracelet and has a small but prominently placed caduceus so an EMT will find it if no one is able to tell them.
- N Style ID Hawaiian Flower Personalized Girls Medical Id Bracelet – is adjustable up to 6 ½" wrist (any extra webbing can be cut from the bracelet if you like) and comes in a wide range of designs for both male and female wearers. The ID tag comes with your choice of medical information engraved on the Enamel ID tag and is interchangeable with other N Style kids bands (sold separately.)
- N Style ID Women's Beaded Pan-dorra Type Personalized Medical ID Bracelet – N Style sells most of their medial ID bracelets with your choice of exchangeable bracelet that clasps to the medical ID tag itself. Meaning you have the option of buying one engraved medical ID tag with your choice of medical information on the back and can change the look by buying interchangeable bands to go from causal to formal and coordinate with your wardrobe. I like this band because I can layer it with my Pandora bracelet although N Style says you can add your favorite brand of interchangeable beads to it if you like. If you are crafty, you can easily make your own store beaded bracelets with lobster clasps for even more bracelet options for less money. I’m seriously considering this one myself.
Fashionable Medical and Allergy ID Bracelets for Boys and Teens
- N Style ID Camo Boys Kids Personalized Medical ID Bracelet – is adjustable up to 6 ½" wrist (any extra webbing can be cut from the bracelet if you like) and comes in a wide range of designs for both male and female wearers. The ID tag comes with your choice of medical information engraved on the Enamel ID tag and is interchangeable with other N Style kids bands (sold separately.)
- Leather Hemp Medical Bracelet – fits most most adult wrist sizes from 6 1/2 - 9 inches and features a braided leather brand. It comes with your choice of medical information engraved on front of the stainless steel medical tag.
- Two Tone Braided Rope Medical ID Bracelet – is a braided rope bracelet with an adjustable slide knot closure and fits wrists from 6 to 8 1/2 inches. It comes with your choice of medical information engraved on front of the stainless steel medical tag and choice of colors.
- N Style ID Men's Pegasus Personalized Medical Alert Bracelet – comes with a gold and silver band. N Style sells most of their medial ID bracelets with your choice of exchangeable bracelet that clasps to the medical ID tag itself. Meaning you have the option of buying one engraved medical ID tag with your choice of medical information on the back and can change the look by buying interchangeable bands to go from causal to formal and coordinate with your wardrobe.
- MedicAlert® Stainless Steel Medical ID Bracelet – comes in men's’ and women’s styles. The medical information is engraved on the back of the tag. What makes this medical ID bracelet different is you also pay an annual fee to keep your medical information on file with MedicAlert. Medical personnel can call the 800 number engraved on the bracelet to get your doctor’s name, emergency contact phone number, and medication information.
Water Proof Silicone Medical and Allergy ID Bracelets for Children and Adults
- Allermates Wristband - is an adjustable silicone children’s wristband comes preprinted with either asthma, gluten intolerance, diabetes, autism, vegan, latex, epilepsy, penicillin, insect sting or one of the 8 major food allergen name and corresponding cartoon character.
- Allerbling Food Allergy Awareness Bracelet - is a solid silicone and latex-free bracelet for children 3 to 8 years old. The wristband has five holes and can accommodate four allergy charms and a caduceus charm. It is a great option for children with multiple allergies or medical concerns. The bracelet comes with 8 major allergy charms and a medic charm. Allerbling has 14 other medical allergy and condition charms available and are sold separately.
Do you wear a medical emergency bracelet or jewelry? What kind? Share in the comments below!
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