Hello fall. Helllllllllo apple season!
True to form, Husband and I bought more apples than we probably should at the spectacular farmer’s market in Amish country. What can I say? We like fresh fruit.
Fortunately, we also like to add dried fruit to almost any breakfast food we can think of. Sometimes we get a little crazy and snack on dried fruit as is or make a DIY trail mix kind of thing what whatever else is lurking in the back of the pantry.

With that in mind, I dehydrated half of the apples we bought for later in the year when we crave apples out of season.
Or pie. One of these days, I need to try making a dehydrated apple pie because Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie.
Apple pie in the sky dreams aside, let’s preserve those fresh applies first.
How to Dry Apples
Vegetable peeler
Lemon juice
Bowl of water
Dehydrator (I love my
Nesco dehydrator. It is BPA free!)
Best. Christmas gift. Ever.
Make it
1. Peel, core, and slice the apples with the vegetable peeler and the knife.
Some folks make apple jelly or pectin from the apple peels and cores. I add mine to our compost bin.
2. Soak the apple slices in a bowl of water and a bit of lemon juice. This will keep the apples from turning brown, will help with vitamin loss, and I think they taste better. So there’s that.
You don’t need to soak the apple slices in the lemon water solution for very long. I usually place them in the water as I’m cutting and peeling my apples and put them on the dehydrator trays as my bowl fills up with apple slices.
3. Place the apple slices on the dehydrator trays.
Make sure you leave enough room around the apple slices so air can circulate!
4. Set the temperature on the dehydrator at 140 degrees (F) if applicable.
5. Allow the apples to dry in the dehydrator for approximately 10 hours or until the apples are like leather and pliable. How long this will take in the dehydrator will depend upon how thick you sliced the fruit, humidity, and the temperature of your dehydrator.
6. Once the apples are dry, I like to store them in a glass jar so they are ready and waiting for my morning oatmeal. Yum!
How do you like them apples?!
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