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How to Make Vodka Watermelon - Everything You Need to Know Guide!

I wanted to make a vodka watermelon. Some people call it infuse a watermelon. Some people charge a watermelon. Whatever you it call it, it is the same thing. A 21 years and older watermelon filled with booze with a 50-50 chance of either coming out perfect or not infusing at all. I’m not trying to scare you out of a spiked vodka watermelon recipe. I’m letting you know up front, if your vodka watermelon didn’t work, keep reading this post to learn how to fix a drunken watermelon that won't absorb vodka on the first go round. How to Soak a Drunken Watermelon With Vodka   Pin this recipe for your next party!

My Never Fail Way to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

Since I’m a foodie turned food blogger everyone assumes I grew up with yummy and wonderful homemade meals.

Photo courtesy of Amazon


Sorry Mom.

My mom didn’t grow up cooking and she’s not a foodie.  To be polite there were meals put before me that I wasn’t particularly fond of – but I ate them anyway because that was our house rule. (Fortunately, that is no longer the case. Mom has some cook stuff up her culinary sleeve now.)

Ironically my sister and I ARE foodies, I’m sure that is the reason why.

Birdseye (the most fun group at Blissdom!) recorded my number one tip to give moms on how to get their kids to eat their vegetables. I embedded it below.

If you click over to YouTube and “Like” my video and I get the most Likes, I could win a trip to New York!

Do you think I’m too hard core? How do you get kids to eat their vegetables?

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